Generation Scotland logo
Help make Scotland healthier tomorrow
Generation Scotland is the largest family health study in Scotland. We have already helped research into cancer, dementia, diabetes, depression and lots more.

By joining our existing 30,000 volunteers you can help us to continue to create a healthier future for Scotland.
Already joined? Sign in
Generation Scotland logo
Getting involved is quick, easy and free
Join online, anywhere in Scotland, at any time, from the comfort of your own home
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Complete the short survey, then your saliva kit will be sent to your home address
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Return your saliva sample for free by popping it in your nearest post box
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Volunteers have the opportunity to get involved in further studies and even shape how research happens.
You can do as little - or as much - as you like
"I'm passionate about the power of health data's potential positive impact in research to save and improve lives. My hope is that this will help future generations and maybe even me and my loved ones soon. You don't often get the chance of aiding humanity - but this is an easy way!"
- Caroline (with daughter, Heidi), volunteers
close up of volunteer Caroline "I'm passionate about the power of health data's potential positive impact in research to save and improve lives. My hope is that this will help future generations and maybe even me and my loved ones soon. You don't often get the chance of aiding humanity - but this is an easy way!"
- Caroline, volunteer

You can join if...
map of scotland
...you are over 12 years old and live in Scotland.

We'd love to get lots of people from the same family involved.
*If you are aged 12-15 your parent / guardian will need to agree you understand what you are signing up to.
Your data is protected
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All information provided to us is stored safely and securely on our server according to UK data protection regulations.

Identifiable data, such as your name and address used to send your saliva sample kit, is always stored separately from your other data.

Researchers apply for access to the Generation Scotland data. Their applications are reviewed by our access committee. For approved projects researchers will be provided only with anonymised data and only information they need to answer a specific research question. Your data will only ever be used for purposes of health research in the public benefit.
Working in partnership with
University of Edinburgh Logo
University of Glasgow Logo
NHS Scotland Logo
University of Aberdeen Logo
University of Dundee Logo
"Generation Scotland aims to work in partnership with volunteers to listen, understand and respond to their health priorities - particularly young people"
- Zak, young volunteer
close up of volunteer Caroline "Generation Scotland aims to work in partnership with volunteers to listen, understand and respond to their health priorities - particularly young people."
- Zak, young volunteer

"I have loved working with Generation Scotland, it’s been very insightful and has opened up a lot of opportunities for me. I think the work they are doing is incredibly interesting and very important!"
- Eva, young volunteer
close up of volunteer Caroline "I have loved working with Generation Scotland, it’s been very insightful and has opened up a lot of opportunities for me. I think the work they are doing is incredibly interesting and very important! "
- Eva, young volunteer

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For a healthier Scotland